December 2017
gorgeous winter skies, my fave clinician Bobbie P,
November 2017
Charles de Kunffy at Concordia, Fuzzy Pony Christmas
photos at Canyonwood & Campbell-Urban
September 2017
Pedernales Falls and more....
March 2017
our favorite horseman, Buck Brannaman
at a 2017 clinic in Texas
February 2017
randomness from the last few months....
June 2016
the amazing, phenomenal, and generally wonderful Karen
Rohlf; political humor by Horse; a beautiful woman; my
girl & my best friend; attack of the giant mushrooms!
March 2016
Bobbie clinic, dandelions, & kittens.
December 2015
Going out with a BANG!
Fall 2015
BEHS Expo, Charles de Kunffy clinic
September 2015
Bobbie Paulk - always fabulous!
2011 Bluebonnet Expo rehash
June/July 2015
muy magnifico "ed"
blast from the past bride
January/February 2015
Tom Curtin Benefit
Summer 2014
a couple of engaged youngsters,
those eyes, those lips, that hair - wowza!
May 2014
more shots of my muse and riding buddy
March 2014
Buck, Buck, and more Buck :-)
gorgeous Gryff
full of fun Meg
January 2014
in the news, clinic fun
* Best of 2013 *
October 2013
big jumpers, the eyes have it,
pooches & pretties
September 2013
beautiful babies, huge jumps
August 2013
sssizling hot summer photos,
sweet kitty, beware the GATO,
big, bad Calvin
July 2013
janet, amazing eyes,
amazingly adorable family
June 2013
buck brannaman,
baby horses,
wild in the sunshine
Late Fall 2012
hot-cha women,
lovely ponies
Late Summer 2012
wowza amanda,
clyde laughing horse,
the most beautiful engine
parts in the world,
space shuttle final flight
Summer 2012
another sizzler in the sun yummy,
janet, nancy, bre... more yummy
June 2012
flying high with senja,
guinevere in full bloom
May 2012
john oh my,
romanov doing his thing
Easter 2012
easter surprise penelope,
charles de kunffy
Very Early Spring - 2012
super hot-cha susan,
so real they are unreal silhouettes
It's a New Year - 2012
deb & wiliford
Nearly Christmas 2011
oakhaven calendar outtakes
paint creek christmas shoot
Fall 2011
eRevo on the loose
lost maples pilgrimage
Horsemen I Admire
Charles de Kunffy
Buck Brannaman
Bobbie Paulk - Smithville, TX
Hycourt Farm - Jillian
Karen Rohlf
Dressage Naturally
Anja Beran
Ray Hunt
Michael Vermaas
Tom Curtin
Linda Hoover USRHA
Dr Deb
Organizations I Support
Bluebonnet Equine
Humane Society
LOPE Texas
Austin Pets
Services I Use and Endorse
Voss Equine -
dental services
Vluggen Institute
for Equine Osteopathy
Back n
Balance - Dr Shelley
Lane Chiro &
Austin Equine Associates
Work Has Been Featured In
Chronicle of the
Horse magazine
Dressage Today
Ranch & Reata
Natural Horse
magazine -
Buck Brannaman's website
Racehorses DVD with Tom Curtin
Healthy Stables by Design - book by John Blackburn
Horseman magazine
Holistic Horse
Healthy Stables by Design
